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肖恩Todd-Boone, EdD




Dr. 肖恩Todd-Boone是一位杰出的, award-winning educator and leader with over 25 years of experience in the field of education. Renowned for his innovative approach to educational reform and commitment to enhancing doctoral student progression and retention, Dr. Todd-Boone has significantly contributed to both K-12 and higher education sectors. 

His accolades include being named District Teacher of the Year by the Los Angeles Unified School District, 这凸显了他对美国第二大学区的影响.S. Dr. Todd-Boone is a recipient of the Thousand Points of Light Award under President Clinton for his early community service initiatives and partnerships. His unique blend of academic rigor and compassionate leadership has made him a respected figure in the educational community.  

目前,博士. 托德-布恩是ACCESS(推进社区)副院长, 重要的思考, 订婚, 奖学金与成功), 研究与驻留. 在这个角色中, he oversees critical aspects of the first-year doctoral program and all program-shared courses, 包括推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 评估, 管理和师资发展. 

Dr. Todd-Boone's innovative strategies have resulted in significant improvements in student retention and program effectiveness. His leadership extends to the development of comprehensive academic guides and the restructuring of the dissertation process and faculty model, demonstrating his commitment to enhancing the quality and accessibility of doctoral education. 

我相信通过批判性和创造性思维来增强学生的能力, 鼓励他们成为学习者, 他们是各自领域的创新者和领导者.


我相信通过批判性和创造性思维来增强学生的能力, 鼓励他们成为学习者, 他们是各自领域的创新者和领导者.

在加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前,博士. 托德-布恩作为一名教育家发挥了关键作用, lead school operator and designer for two public schools in Los Angeles. He was responsible for conceptualizing, designing and constructing schools in this capacity. Additionally, he oversaw curriculum development, instructional strategies and governance. He even took on the role of president of the board of directors for a Charter School in Los Angeles. 

Dr. Todd-Boone's prior experience includes roles as a Doctoral Faculty Development Administrator for 资源 and 支持s and Doctoral Lead Faculty Area Chair for 教育 at the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 在这些位置上, 他的主要关注点是培养教师的参与度, enhancing teaching methods and improving the overall experience for doctoral students. 

Dr. Todd-Boone's educational background is as impressive as his professional journey. 他拥有行政领导教育学博士学位, 瓦尔登大学的教学与学习. 他在惠顿学院完成了本科学业, 他在那里获得了宗教和心理学学士学位. He further advanced his academic pursuits at Loyola Marymount University, 获得基础教育文学硕士学位. 这种多样化的教育背景支撑了他. Todd-Boone's holistic and inclusive educational leadership and reform approach.  

我相信通过批判性和创造性思维来增强学生的能力, 鼓励他们成为学习者, 他们是各自领域的创新者和领导者.


我相信通过批判性和创造性思维来增强学生的能力, 鼓励他们成为学习者, 他们是各自领域的创新者和领导者.


  • 教育中的评估与评价策略 
  • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜开发 
  • 博士教育和学生保留 
  • 教育领导 
  • 教育改革与创新 
  • 教师参与与发展 
  • 高等教育中的教学方法 


  • 布恩,年代.C. 3月(2021). 接下来是什么? 在你的职业生涯中充分利用你的博士学位和论文! (研讨会). 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,研究企业职业发展系列. http://player.vimeo.com/video/522837127
  • 布恩,年代.C.艾蒂安,Z.H., & Mostoufi F. 2月(2021). 1619计划:了解其作为包容性领导者的重要性. [教育公平网络研讨会系列]. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和普利策中心. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NNwKmKXLjA
  • 布恩,年代.C (2020年7月). A critical juncture in the development of our diverse nation: Higher education has an essential role in allyship. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,凤凰博客职业规划.   
  • 华生,J.麦基,J., 布恩,年代.C.沃尔顿,L。.G. (2020年6月). 促进团结,解决不平等问题. [教育公平网络研讨会系列]. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = ysIZ1pnmfWI&= PLob1O8IDG1UC4oPvWiFJr86jHV6bl6IYZ列表&指数= 1
  • 布恩,年代.C. & Krahe J.E. 5月(2020). Andragogy: 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 theory and practice in adulting teaching and learning. (研讨会). 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 
  • 布恩,年代.C. 5月(2020). COVID-19时期的数据收集策略. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜博士研究学院,亚利桑那州凤凰城. 职业规划.  http://8v3i.earthentic.net/students/articles/data-collection-strategies-in-the-time-of-covid-19.html
  • 布恩,年代.C.德·夏隆(de Charon), L.M .希尔., L.A.里特-威廉姆斯,D., & 年轻,E.A. (2020). 博士生的坚持和进步:一个项目评估. 高等教育应用研究学报. 提前在线出版. doi: 10.1108 / jarhe - 07 - 2019 - 0192  
  • 布恩,年代.C.德·夏隆(de Charon), L., & 弗格森,年代.A. (2016). Critical and creative thinking and rubric calibration in a first-year doctoral course sequence. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 13(9), 3-12. 
  • 布恩,年代.C.德·夏隆(de Charon), L.密苏里州弗格森. (2016年4月). Critical and creative thinking and rubric scoring calibration of faculty feedback in the College of Doctoral Studies (CDS) ACCESS program. Presentation at the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Assessment Conference in Chicago, IL.  
  • 布恩,年代.C. (2015). 教师领导是学校的改革者. 在N. 债券(Ed.), The power of teacher leaders: Their roles, influence, and impact (pp. 105-119). 劳特利奇-泰勒和弗朗西斯. 
  • 布恩,年代.C.约翰斯顿,L。.科尔滕斯,A. (2014年12月). SAS ACCESS: Engaging faculty and students in active inquiry communities. Presentation at the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Assessment Conference in Phoenix, AZ. 
  • 布恩,年代.C. (2014). Using organizational learning to increase operational and conceptual mental models within professional learning communities. 组织文化心理问题杂志, 5(3), 85-99. 
  • 布恩,年代. C. 5月(2014). Using organizational learning to increase operational and conceptual mental models within professional learning communities. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Chicago International Conference on 教育, Chicago, IL. 
  • 布恩,年代. C. 3月(2014). 教师领导是学校的改革者. Poster presented at the bi-annual meeting of 21st Century Academic Forum at Harvard University, 剑桥, MA. 


  • Phoenix500 Award for Faculty Excellence, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Top 10% of Faculty, 2020, 2021, 2023 
  • 博士研究学院,2017杰出领导奖 
  • College of Doctoral Studies, 2016 Executive Dean’s 支持 Team Leader of the Year Award  
  • 2014年度教师奖学金, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 南加州教育学院 
  • Best 研究 Presentation, Chicago International Conference on 教育 (ICE), 2014 
  • Teacher of the Year (TOY) 2013 Designation and Award, Los Angeles Unified School District